Jane Grady Zech, Ph.D.
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Books by Grady

This is a book about God and a book about hope; a book about the battle between persecution and love. It began with a profound spiritual and personal transformation, precipitated by a divinely inspired vision in the Spring of 2001.  The vision arrived abruptly, was unexpected, even shocking.  Simply, it was the portrayal of the Christ story in vivid, brilliant color, with past, present and future imagery fading in and out.  A pictorial fusion of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the vision did not speak of "something new." Rather, it proclaimed, "Here it is; the epic that you have known all along; It is true." It emerged squarely and precisly out of scripture; the "Greatest Story Ever Told....Again." 



Why did this come to me? I don’t really know, yet I relied on the enlightened writings of Apostle Paul; (Ephesians 4:11, Romans 12:6-9, Corinthians 12:1-10 and) to enhance my understanding. At a fundamental and essential level, I know I bear witness to the revealed Christian message.

My chronicle of episodes in the early to mid- 2000’s is a collection of everyday reflections interspersed with truly extraordinary events.

I invite readers – the like-minded or the well-intended curious – to walk with me, in the spirit of companionship and discovery, through struggles with persecution, triumphs of love and, above all, an ever-deepening relationship with our Creator.



Click on link: Surrender; The Myth or Reality





From the pages of Heartsong...

Truly, if You find a way to bring these children to me, I will, in the fashion of my Lord, infuse them with an indelible imprint that says, 'you are precious, you are treasured, you are beautiful...God loves you and I, Grady, right here on earth with you now, love you, too.'" (My Computer and the Children ofthe World).

"I was never fully healed by the Resurrection.  It had an air of unreality about it. I had lost touch; was already gone." (The Last Confession of Mary Magdalen).

"Above all, I pray that I stand tall in power, friendship and love when the last hand is played, the final count is in, and this Great Cosmic Drama folds forever into the embers and dust of antiquity." (To Saint Michael, Prince of Angels).

"So that, as clouds and fog and haze give way to clear and open space, I will fully know Your Presence, touch Your Hand and see Your face." (Return).


Jane Grady Zech, Ph.D. is a corporate leadership consultant and career coach. She earned her degree from the University of California, Riverside and has practiced for more than tweny years in the Pacific Northwest.