Jane Grady Zech, Ph.D.
Call Us at (206) 783-1079

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My Story


  Career Path

I began my career by opening and managing a Seattle office for a Denver-based technical recruiting firm.  We provided technical contractors for temporary assignments with engineering and manufacturing companies.

In the early months of this position with no formal training and no client base, I learned that nothing, including top training programs, best selling marketing books and a doctorate degree touched the value of trekking out into uncharted territory in the pouring Seattle rain, in fashionably uncomfortable shoes, looking the part of a savvy professional while begging for 5 minutes of time to try, try and try again to do a little bit of business.

Looking into the rear view mirror from the vantage point of more than 20 years out, I truly believe my first nibbles of business came from a mix of pity and tongue-in-cheek humor from old-timer engineering managers who must have  wondered, “who is this person touring the inside of a ball bearing plant, wearing a safety helmet and pretending to have a smidge of knowledge about the latest manufacturing technologies, while mustering as much enthusiasm as possible in such a strange environment? Good question! Surely we can toss a little business her way…”

My second critical lesson came after I got a few nibbles of business.  Drawing on ancient wisdom, I affirmed the truth that, once I had the taste and the imprint of success, I could replicate it.  I could say with confidence, “I know how to do this and I can do this.”  And so I did this over and over again, providing the foundational experience that gave birth to a career consulting track, that included Drake Beam Morin, The Brighton Group/OI Partners and CareerTrac (formerly called Team 21 Consulting).

 Finding My Greatest Passion

In the early years I found my own gifts; 1) to create and grow business and 2) to help others to discover, articulate and communicate their distinctive gifts in the world of work.  In 2012, I decided to collect and codify all of tthe materials I had used with clients over the years into one comprehensive manual to assist new career coaches in setting up a practice and to guide self-directed clients in all aspects of career search. See "CareerPak" (2013); www.careerpak.com.